The Future

From a young age, we are asked what we’d like to do when we grow up. At the age of 4, I wanted to be a princess. A princess with a big pink dress, and a large tiara on top of my head. Others girls wanted to be a doctor or a veterinarian, but I wanted to be a princess.

Before we graduate high school at the ages of 17 or 18, we are expected to decide our entire future. Colleges begin to email us at 15, take the ACT placement test at 14 and 16, and apply to colleges at 17. Our minds are still not fully grown, but we are forced to decide how we will spend the next 2-80 years.

The future is a commonly talked subject with families and friends, but it is also one of the scariest topics for me to talk about. The truth us, most of us pretend we know what we want to do, and plan to do, but we don’t. We don’t know if we’ll pass college, if we’ll get into the school, or if we’ll even get married.

It’s scary to me because the future is uncertain. In our lives, we tend to stick to what we know, and stay in our comfort zone. But honestly, college is completely out of my comfort zone. Moving away from home, away from all of the people I know and love, and moving to a completely new place.

Even if y’all aren’t going to college, beginning one of the jobs that you might have forever, is scary. Meeting your boss, can be scary. But at the end of your first day, you may be overwhelmed or you may be extremely content.

Although we have to choose at a young age, the future is also an exciting time. It means new beginnings, new friendships, and new adventures.

It may be scary, but in the end it is completely worth it.


Thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment and express your opinions.

To all of the girls & guys out there that need to hear this:

This isn’t necessarily a blog post, but more of some thoughts. I have a friend, let’s call her Hazel, and Hazel really likes to talk to every guy who gives her the slightest bit of attention. This is bad for her for many reasons: one being that she gets hurt quite often which is bad on her self esteem and the second reason is- it makes her look less than she is.

Now this isn’t a post hating on her by any means, I just want to bring attention to this issue that many of us have. We meet a guy/girl, and they say something nice and we find ourselves starting to like them, which is normal. But this attraction leads to us falling too hard, and too fast.

Now i’m not standing on a soapbox and preaching, because I used to have this problem as well. My therapist helped me see what I was doing and helped find ways to stop cycle from playing on repeat.

Some things my therapist recommended are :

  1. Stop making yourself available every second of the day. Don’t be on your phone every second of the day. Give yourself some time during the day to do some of your favorite activities. For example for 1-2 hours a day depending on  the day, I read and write some stories.
  2. As soon as they reply, wait a little bit. You don’t want to talk to them all the time because there’s nothing to look forward to later on in the “relationship”. If you get to know everything about the other person in the first 2 weeks, there’s nothing more to learn. That’s not fun.
  3. I know “playing hard to get” is cliche, but honestly do it. Think of dating as a game, if you make yourself always available, you’re very vulnerable and it’s way too easy. If you play harder to get, (by not talking to them every 2 seconds & not always being available), it will be more worth it in the end.
  4. Don’t talk to every single guy or girl that you meet because then it makes you not look the best, and people will think you’re easy to get. Also, very bad.
  5. If you do any of the above steps and the guy/girl leaves because you’re not easy, forget him or her. They’re not worth your time anyway.
  6. If you do not love yourself, you simply cannot love another person. Before you step into the dating game, make sure you believe that you are the  strong, beautiful and confident human being that you are.

Letting yourself get hurt all the time because you trust way too easily, or you’re too open, leads to issues later on in your life. If you’re still reading this, please follow some of my therapist’s advice. You’ll feel better and it will be worth it.

Also, don’t date someone that you cannot see yourself having a future with. If you don’t see a future, then what is the point?

I love every single one of you, and I don’t want to see any of my beautiful friends or family getting hurt. If you have anything to add or don’t agree with something, feel free to leave a comment and we can talk.

Thanks for reading!


Hello! My name is Mady Cruse, and i’m a pretty basic 17 year old girl. I thought for my first post, it’d be a good idea to introduce myself and my intentions for my blog.

For starters, I live in a small town in Missouri. I enjoy reading, writing, watching scary movies, and hanging out with my best friends. My intentions for my blog are to update people on my life, write about things on my mind, and basically to have a public online journal.

I plan to post around once a week, but it may change due to school & university. I will post the link to my website on my instagram, twitter, and facebook accounts.

Until next week, thank you for reading.